As an owner, you can refund all or part of the rent directly in the booking. Here’s how:
Partial Refund of Rent
Go to the Booking:
Log in to your account and open the relevant booking.Edit the Price:
Click the edit icon next to the price.Specify Refund Amount:
Choose the amount you want to refund to the renter.Note: Our commission will be adjusted automatically.
The refund must be processed before the rent is marked as returned and completed.
Full Refund of Rent
If you want to refund the full rent:
Cancel the Booking:
Go to the booking and choose to cancel it.
When cancelled, the full amount will automatically be refunded to the renter.
Note for Renters
If you are expecting a refund, contact the owner to ensure the process has been initiated. For questions or issues, you can also contact customer support for assistance.
Tips for Both Parties
Ensure all communication takes place via the chat in the booking to maintain transparency.