Where to enter the voucher code
To redeem a voucher code, follow these steps:
On the website
Go to Hygglo's vouchers page.
Enter your voucher code in the designated field.
Click the "Use voucher" button.
Your account balance will be updated accordingly.
In the app and on mobile web
Locate the menu bar at the bottom of the screen.
Tap My Profile, then select Vouchers.
Enter and apply your code as instructed.
How the voucher balance works
When you pay for a booking, your available balance is automatically applied to the payment.
If your balance is higher than the rental cost, the remaining amount stays in your account for future use until it expires.
If your balance is lower than the rental cost, you pay the remaining amount with a card.
⚠️Important note: Register your voucher code before making a payment. We cannot apply a voucher code after the payment has been completed.