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How much do you earn on Hygglo?
How much do you earn on Hygglo?

How much do you earn on Hygglo?

Hannah avatar
Written by Hannah
Updated over a week ago

How much you earn on Hygglo depends on how many rentals you have and what you rent out. Those who earn the most tend to have a lot of different ads on the platform and are happy to rent out a large variaty of items. They often also live in an area where there are a many potential customers. The top renters at Hygglo rent out for hundreds of thousands of kronor per year. Here are some examples of what they earn per year at Hygglo divided into a few different types of categories:

  • System camera: 13.500kr

  • Roof box: 6.245 kr

  • Construction & Tools: 32.465 kr

  • Log Splitter: 2.651 kr

  • Portable speakers: 7.033 kr

  • Trailer: 25.678 kr

  • Camera Lenses: 9.112 kr

  • Marquees: 10.254

  • Travel Stroller: 2.482 kr

  • Camping Tent: 2.718 kr

You can optimize your chances by having good images, testing different pricing strategies and adding more places to your ads.

It doesn't cost anything to advertise on Hygglo, but we do charge a 20% commission after a completed rental period (50% on rentals of drones and accessories for drones). The commission is taken off the rental fee.

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